Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Looking into 2016

Happy New Year everybody,

I'm a few days late, I know, deal with it lol. Everyone keeps asking "Whats your New Years resolution this year?" but I hate that question, I don't know why. Maybe it's because no one ever follows through with them, making them seem pointless. Sometimes I think that maybe we all should just think of something we've already done, like quit smoking (or anything else you've quit), because then at the end of the year we'll feel like we accomplished something lol.

For myself, 2015 was a year filled with many ups and a few downs, multiple jobs, and a lot of introspection and self discovery. I want this year to be different, I want it to be even better! I'm sitting here at my desk listening to Vance Joy on repeat thinking about how I'm going to make the most of my 2016. I thought that if I wrote it all down here, on this blog, I'll be held accountable. I'm not calling this my New Years Resolutions, this is the way I want to live my life in 2016:

  • Be unapologetically myself- I've always been one to stay true to myself, however; sometimes I can shy away from things because I don't know what people will think/say/react. For example: This blog. Many people don't know I have it, why? I guess I was always worried that people would think the things I write about are stupid, which is such a silly thing to worry about, because WHO CARES? I want to do the things I love/want to do without even giving a thought about what people will think. Basically, this year I want to give zero fucks. 
  • Be positive- Not that I'm a super negative person or anything, but I tend to let the negative things in life get the best of me. I get frustrated easily if things don't go as planned instead of looking at what did. This year I want to surround myself with positive people, positive thoughts, and positive energy.
  • Get out more- I want to try new things, see more people, go for walks (once the weather is nicer, Canada is way too cold right now), go on adventures, and travel.
  • Get healthy- By healthy, I mean physically and mentally. I want to eat better foods, do more exercise, get a better nights sleep, and make my anxiety my bitch! 
  • Declutter- This kinds of ties into the point above. Clutter makes be anxious, and thats never good. I want to declutter not just my apartment, but also my mind. This is actually something I started a few months ago, but hey, it's a long and tedious process.
  • YouTube- For those of you that don't know, my friend Mirian and I have a YouTube channel! . We started it over a year ago as a DIY channel, but got sidetracked by challenges because DIY can get pricey lol. This is also something that a lot of people don't know about, and why not?! We enjoy making videos, who doesn't like getting to do silly stuff with your friend? Why not share it with people. This year I want to make more than just challenge videos. I want to make things, talk about things, share things. This year I want to get serious about it and make more videos, gain more  subscribers, be active in the YouTube community. Check out our newest video:    
  • This blog- I've had this blog for over a year and this is only my 8th post. When you first start a blog, they say to have a topic to write about, which is actually such a hard thing to think about when you love to talk about so many things. I went into this thinking "Screw just one topic, I do what I want." I don't really think I fully believed that though, considering all my posts are about Ipsy bags and clothing hauls, which I enjoy, but there's so much more to me. There are so many more things I care about. I want to do more blogs where I just write about random stuff, feelings, funny things I saw that day, etc. 
Well guys, there you have it. That's the way I want to live my life in 2016. I'm sure there are a ton of other things to add to this list, but thats basically the gist of it. I'm already feeling pretty optimistic and excited to see what the year brings. 

How do you want to live in 2016? Leave a comment down below! 

All the love,

Little j xo
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